B. Invited reviews

Brandenburg, A., Larsson, G.: 2024, ``Turbulence with magnetic helicity that is absent on average'' in Turbulence from Earth to Planets, Stars and Galaxies—Commemorative Issue Dedicated to the Memory of Jackson Rea Herring, ed. B. Galperin, A. Pouquet, & P. Sullivan, MDPI Books, pp. 123-139 (DOI)
Brandenburg, A.: 2022, ``Chirality in Astrophysics'' in Proceedings to Nobel Symposium 167: Chiral Matter, ed. E. Babaev, D. Kharzeev, M. Larsson, A. Molochkov, & V. Zhaunerchyk, World Scientific, pp. 15-35 (arXiv:2110.08117, ADS, DOI, HTML, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2021, ``Homochirality: a prerequisite or consequence of life?'' in Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life, ed. A. Neubeck, & S. McMahon, Springer, pp. 87-115 (arXiv:2012.12850, ADS, DOI, HTML, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2020, ``Magnetic field evolution in solar-type stars,'' in IAUS 354: Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields: Origins and Manifestations, ed. A. Kosovichev, K. Strassmeier & M. Jardine, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 354, pp. 169-180 (arXiv:2004.00439, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Candelaresi, S., & Gent, F. A.: 2020, ``Introduction to The Physics and Algorithms of the Pencil Code,'' Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dyn. 114, 1-7 (DOI, ADS, PDF)
Losada, I. R., Warnecke, J., Glogowski, K., Roth, M., Brandenburg, A., Kleeorin, N., & Rogachevskii, I.: 2017, ``A new look at sunspot formation using theory and observations,'' in IAUS 327: Fine Structure and Dynamics of the Solar Atmosphere, ed. S. Vargas Domínguez, A. G. Kosovichev, P. Antolin, & L. Harra, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 12, pp. 46-59 (arXiv:1704.04062, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2015, ``Simulations of galactic dynamos,'' in Magnetic fields in diffuse media, ed. E. de Gouveia Dal Pino & A. Lazarian, Astrophys. Spa. Sci. Lib., Vol. 407, Springer, pp. 529-555 (arXiv:1402.0212, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2013, ``Non-linear and chaotic dynamo regimes,'' in Solar and astrophysical dynamos and magnetic activity, ed. A. G. Kosovichev, E. M. de Gouveia Dal Pino & Y. Yan, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 294, pp. 387-398 (arXiv:1305.1952, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., & Guerrero, G.: 2012, ``Cycles and cycle modulations,'' in Comparative Magnetic Minima: Characterizing quiet times in the Sun and stars, ed. C. H. Mandrini & D. F. Webb, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 286, pp. 37-48 (arXiv:1111.3351, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2011, ``Simulations of astrophysical dynamos,'' in Advances in Plasma Astrophysics, ed. A. Bonanno, E. de Gouveia dal Pino, & A. Kosovichev, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 274, pp. 402-409 (arXiv:1012.5079, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Käpylä, P. J., & Korpi, M. J.: 2011, ``From convective to stellar dynamos,'' in Astrophysical Dynamics: From Stars to Galaxies, ed. N. Brummell, A. S. Brun, M. S. Miesch, & Y. Ponty, Proc. IAU Symp., Vol. 271, pp. 279-287 (arXiv:1103.5475, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2009, ``From fibril to diffuse fields during dynamo saturation,'' in Solar-stellar dynamos as revealed by helio- and asteroseismology, ed. M. Dikpati, Arentoft, T., Hernández, I. G., Lindsey, C., & Hill, F., Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 416, pp. 433-442 (arXiv:0904.2842, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2009, ``Nonlinear aspects of astrobiological research,'' in Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science, ed. R. A. Meyers, Springer, pp. 3284-3300(arXiv:0809.0261, DOI, HTML, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2008, ``Paradigm shifts in solar dynamo modeling,'' in Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 259, ed. K. G. Strassmeier, A. G. Kosovichev & J. E. Beckman, Cambridge University Press, pp. 159-166 (arXiv:0901.3789, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2007, ``Hydromagnetic Dynamo Theory,'' Scholarpedia, p.10320
Brandenburg, A., & von Rekowski, B.: 2007, ``Dynamos in accretion discs,'' in Coronae of Stars and Accretion Disks, ed. M. Massi & T. Preibisch, Mem. Soc. Astron. Ital., 78, pp. 374-281 (astro-ph/0702493, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2007, ``Near-surface shear layer dynamics,'' in Convection in Astrophysics, ed. F. Kupka, I. W. Roxburgh & K. L. Chan, Proc. Int. Astron. Union, IAUS 239, pp. 457-466 (astro-ph/0701057, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2007, ``The solar interior - radial structure, rotation, solar activity cycle,'' in Handbook of Solar-Terrestrial Environment, ed. Y. Kamide & A. C.-L. Chian, Springer, pp. 27-54 (astro-ph/0703711, ADS, PDF)
Pudritz, R. E., Ouyed, R., Fendt, C., & Brandenburg, A.: 2007, ``Disk winds, jets, and outflows: theoretical and computational foundations,'' in Protostars and Planets V, ed. B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, & K. Keil, LPI, pp. 277-294 (astro-ph/0603592, ADS
Brandenburg, A., Haugen, N. E. L., & Mee, A. J.: 2005, ``Nonhelical turbulent dynamos: shocks and shear,'' in The magnetized plasma in galaxy evolution, ed. K.T. Chyzy, K. Otmianowska-Mazur, M. Soida, and R.-J. Dettmar, Jagiellonian University, pp. 139-146 (astro-ph/0501006, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2005, ``Importance of magnetic helicity in dynamos,'' in Cosmic magnetic fields, Lect. Notes Phys., Vol. 664, ed. R. Wielebinski & R. Beck, Springer, pp. 219-253 (astro-ph/0412366, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., & Blackman, E. G.: 2005, ``Ejection of bi-helical fields from the sun,'' in Magnetic field and Helicity in the Sun and the Heliosphere, ed. D. Rust & B. Schmieder, Highlights of Astronomy, Vol. 13, pp. 101-104 (astro-ph/0312543, ADS
Brandenburg, A., Sandin, C., & Käpylä, P. J.: 2004, ``Helical coronal ejections and their role in the solar cycle,'' in Multi-Wavelength Investigations of Solar Activity, ed. A. V. Stepanov, E. E. Benevolenskaya & A. G. Kosovichev, Proc. Int. Astron. Union, IAUS 223, pp. 57-64 (astro-ph/0407598, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Dintrans, B., & Haugen, N. E. L.: 2004, ``Shearing and embedding box simulations of the magnetorotational instability,'' in MHD Couette flows: experiments and models, ed. R. Rosner, G. Rüdiger, & A. Bonanno, AIP Conf. Proc. 733, pp. 122-136 (astro-ph/0412363, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., & Blackman, E. G.: 2003, ``Helical surface structures,'' in Modelling of Stellar Atmospheres, ed. N. E. Piskunov, W. W. Weiss, & D. F. Gray, IAU Symp., Vol. 210, pp. 233-242 (astro-ph/0212019, ADS
Brandenburg, A., Haugen, N. E. L., & Dobler, W.: 2003, ``MHD simulations of small and large scale dynamos,'' in Turbulence, Waves, and Instabilities in the Solar Plasma, ed. R. Erdélyi, K. Petrovay, B. Roberts, & M. Aschwanden, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 33-53 (astro-ph/0303371
Brandenburg, A.: 2003, ``The helicity issue in large scale dynamos,'' in Simulations of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in astrophysics, ed. E. Falgarone, T. Passot, Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 614. Berlin: Springer, pp. 402-431 (astro-ph/0207394, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2003, ``Computational aspects of astrophysical MHD and turbulence,'' in Advances in nonlinear dynamos (The Fluid Mechanics of Astrophysics and Geophysics, Vol. 9), ed. A. Ferriz-Mas & M. Núñez, Taylor & Francis, London and New York, pp. 269-344 (astro-ph/0109497, ADS, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2001, ``The inverse cascade in turbulent dynamos,'' in Dynamo and dynamics, a mathematical challenge, ed. P. Chossat, D. Armbruster, & O. Iuliana, Nato ASI Series 26, Kluwer Publ., pp. 125-132 (astro-ph/0012112, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2001, ``The solar dynamo: old, recent, and new problems,'' in Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions, ed. P. Brekke, B. Fleck, & J. B. Gurman, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 203, pp. 144-151 (astro-ph/0011579, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2001, ``Magnetohydrodynamics of accretion discs,'' in Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, ed. P. Murdin, London: Nature Publishing Group, and Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing, pp. 1543-1547 (http://www.ency-astro.com, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.& Saar, S. H.: 2000, ``Dynamo mechanisms,'' in Stellar clusters and associations: convection, rotation, and dynamos, ed. R. Pallavicini, G. Micela & S. Sciortino, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Vol. 198, pp. 381-390 (ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., & Stein, R. F.: 2000, ``Astrophysical convection and dynamos,'' in Geophysical and Astrophysical Convection, ed. P. A. Fox & R. M. Kerr, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, pp. 85-105 (ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 1999, ``Helicity in large-scale dynamo simulations,'' in Magnetic Helicity in Space and Laboratory Plasmas, ed. M. R. Brown, R. C. Canfield, A. A. Pevtsov, Geophys. Monograph 111, American Geophysical Union, Florida, pp. 65-73 (ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 1998, ``Disc Turbulence and Viscosity,'' in Theory of Black Hole Accretion Discs, ed. M. A. Abramowicz, G. Björnsson & J. E. Pringle, Cambridge University Press, pp. 61-86 (ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 1998, ``Theoretical Basis of Stellar Activity Cycles,'' in Tenth Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun, ed. R. Donahue & J. Bookbinder, Astron. Soc. Pac. Conf. Ser., Col. 154, pp. 173-191 (ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 1997, ``Recent developments in the theory of large-scale dynamos,'' in Past and present variability of the solar-terrestrial system: measurement, data analysis and theoretical models. Proceedings of the International School of Physics ``Enrico Fermi'' Course CXXXIII, ed. G. Cini Castagnoli & A. Provenzale, IOS Press, Amsterdam, pp. 359-388 (ADS)
Brandenburg, A., & Campbell, C. G.: 1997, ``Modelling magnetised accretion discs,'' in Accretion disks - New aspects, ed. H. Spruit & E. Meyer-Hofmeister, Springer-Verlag, pp. 109-124 (ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Nordlund, Å., Stein, R. F., Torkelsson, U.: 1996, ``Dynamo generated turbulence in disks: value and variability of alpha,'' in Physics of Accretion Disks, ed. S. Kato, S. Inagaki, S. Mineshige & J. Fukue, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, pp. 285-290 (ADS, PS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 1994, ``Hydromagnetic simulations of the solar dynamo,'' in Advances in Solar Physics, ed. G. Belvedere, W. Mattig & M. Rodonó, Lecture Notes in Physics 432, Springer-Verlag, pp. 73-84 (ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 1994, ``Solar Dynamos: Computational Background,'' in Lectures on Solar and Planetary Dynamos, ed. M. R. E. Proctor & A. D. Gilbert, Cambridge University Press, pp. 117-159 (ADS)
Brandenburg, A.: 1993, ``Simulating the solar dynamo,'' in The Cosmic Dynamo, ed. F. Krause, K.-H. Rädler, & G. Rüdiger, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, pp. 111-121 (ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Tuominen, I.: 1991, ``The solar dynamo,'' in The Sun and cool stars: activity, magnetism, dynamos, IAU Coll. 130, ed. I. Tuominen, D. Moss & G. Rüdiger, Lecture Notes in Physics 380, Springer-Verlag, pp. 223-233 (ADS, PDF)
Axel Brandenburg 2025-02-08